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Waterstock Notes - September 2023

by Susie Edmondson

Obviously the hot topic in Waterstock this Summer has been Greystoke’s planning application for the Golf Course. The date for submitting comments on the application has now passed and we must wait for a decision on the application. Henry has given us this update:

When, in late July, Greystoke sneaked in its outline Planning Application to develop the western section of Waterstock Golf Course, it was presumably hoping that holiday absences would frustrate opposition.

If so, it miscalculated badly. By mid-September, nearly 400 submissions were up on the SODC website - not a single one in favour. Many came from golfers, others from motorists appalled at yet more traffic on the A418 and M40 roundabouts, but what was truly remarkable was the number of respondents, from far and wide, who are in love with Waterstock and cannot bear the thought of its Green Belt, footpaths and wildlife being despoiled.

There were so many wonderful responses, including the one from Edward Rivera which begins: “I am a 94-year-old resident in the village of Waterstock”. But perhaps the most powerful is this short poem entitled “A Curlew crushed by Concrete” from Roger Coventry in Waterperry:

What matters a crying curlew, a playing otter?
What matters oaks and brooks and blossom?
Goon drown out the birdsong with diesel engines.
Let the otter raise her young in a polluted drain.

Canker the countryside, till just one withered tree remains.
Grime the air, grit the eyes, grind up the paths.
Goon wreck tranquillity. It doesn’t t matter.
Let enough already be nowhere near enough.

Can you see the old man, mother, child tomorrow?
Deprived of daisies, dragonflies by development of today.
Goon they don’t matter. Blot out their stars.
Let tomorrow’s grasping wasteland love its concrete soul.

More more more, till all the weary walker sees:
An otter’ s corpse, a curlew crushed by concrete.

SODC expects to reach a Decision on the Planning Application by 6th November.

In the light of this it was particularly welcome to hear from Lorna the very exciting news that she and Rob have a new grandson courtesy of daughter Shona and her husband Tom. Robert Alexander, to be known as Bobby, was born at 3am on Sunday 27th at Riverside, weighing in at 3.79kg which is 8lb
3oz in old money. Tom had thankfully got back from captaining his boat around Dalmation Coast in time to be with Shona. She had decided on a home birth and as their house is being renovated that meant ... Riverside. Thankfully all went well and both Mum and baby are doing brilliantly if a bit sore and tired! (See pic of Bobby with big brother Joss).

broken image

It would be fun to know who was last baby to be born in Waterstock. Not myself ( Nissen hut at The Churchill) and not Keith (The old Radcliffe Infirmary) Geoff? My Dad (Park Farm 1932?)

Answers on a postcard please…

Talking of grandchildren, we made our first trip to Bermuda to see our daughter Alice and her family in what will be their home for the next few years while Sam is working out there. They have settled in well, love the outdoor lifestyle and seem to be thriving.

Even though Nick took a step back from his administrative duties at Tiddington Cricket Club at the end of last season, he has continued to play for the club when called upon and also for the Oxfordshire over 60’s. He finally achieved an ambition to be a county cricketer, even if he did have to wait a few years! A significant number of the Tiddington players from the 1995 Lord’s XI have also been playing in the matches which have taken them all round the country with considerable success, if at a slightly slower
pace and with a lot more support strapping than nearly 30 years ago!

Watch out in the next parish News for an update on Waterstock’s senior Ride and Stride representative. When I saw Michael in action on the appointed day, he seemed very confident about making it as far as Waterperry!

As always, I end with a reminder that the British Legion Poppy Appeal will be launched at the end of October and I shall be knocking on your door in early November with poppies and hoping for your usual generous donations!