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Waterstock Notes - February 2023

by Lorna Arthur

As I write temperatures are plummeting again. I’m just hoping what remains of my plants from a few weeks ago when we had temperatures of minus 12 will survive. Considering how we have moved from frozen river to full flood and back again it’s been wonderful to see the floodplain springing back into action after all the rain and the masses of birds it attracts.

Nick Marriner conducted his latest survey in mid-January and recorded no less than 1100 Lapwing who he said put on a spectacular show, 790 Teal, 300 Wigeon, 14 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, and two very smart Pintail. This is an impressive result.


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He also commented that he saw an amazing high-speed flythrough by a Peregrine and spotted a Barn Owl roosting at the top of the lane. He also saw a yellow legged gull to go with 50 common gull. Here’s hoping the floodplain will continue to attract many more avian visitors this winter and spring.

Nicole Shipperley who kindly organised this year’s carol singing around the village has sent a note thanking all of those who hosted and came out to sing on Christmas Eve. “It was lovely evening of fun, excellent snacks and ample drinks! We raised a grand total of £170 for Cancer Research through our (generally very below average!!) singing which is great! “

Linda Martin said goodbye to Waterstock in early January, after 35 years. After the loss of her beloved Frank, she decided to move closer to her family. She has bought a lovely house very close to her sister and family in Scotland. Her many friends in the Parish will miss her and all her work for the village. We were happy to give her some farewell gifts of a crystal vase engraved with the Waterstock Logo, lots of gardening vouchers for her new garden and a ‘freedom of Waterstock Medal’ – which we hope she will use and visit us sometimes. However, she says she hope she will get some Waterstock visitors to her house in Scotland. She asked me to include this note from her:

“Here I am in cold, wet Duncrievie. The move went very smoothly. We have already unpacked some 30+boxes with only as many again to deal with. I am staying with my sister until the carpets and all the furniture sitting in the garages can be brought inside. Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and to say goodbye to anyone that I was unable to speak to personally. I will continue to hold Waterstock in my heart and have 35 years plus of fond memories to cherish.”

Geoff and Michael Talbot have done a fantastic job repairing, replacing and restoring the railing around the War Memorial to their former glory. They have taken them in a little closer and tidied up the grass
edges – a very professional job and the village would like to give them our thanks.

Greystoke – potential development on Waterstock Golf Course – a little bit of good news this month. We have been informed by SODC that should Greystoke push ahead with their application for potential development on the Waterstock Golf Course, SODC would insist they carry out a full Environmental Impact Assessment. We were very grateful to our neighbouring villages, wildlife and river and other organisations who wrote to SODC emphasising the importance of Waterstock it's wildlife, flora, fauna and its environment.

Have a great February and Happy Valentines.
Waterstock Notes - January 2023

by Helen MacRitchie

Waterstock Notes - January 2023

by Helen MacRitchie